Tuesday, May 13, 2014

 Wow it's been awhile!  Things just get more and more busy the older my babies get!  It's been fun few months!  So here is what we have been up too!

Sophie loves to have luxury baths... with bath bombs and oils in her water.  She also insists on putting mask on her face!  She is so fun I just love my sweet little girl! 

Baby chicks!  We went over to a friend of mine and she had just got little baby chicks!  They were so cute!  Sophie loved them, Finn could have cared less and Van wanted to climb in the box with the chicks!

 Happy St. Patricks Day!  My mom always does a St. Patty's day party here are the monkeys all dressed and ready to get their Leprechaun partying on!


All of my Mom's grand babies!

The Leprechaun made it to our house too!!

Van loves to wear shoes... it doesn't even matter that they are his big sisters boots!

Getting in the last few days Deer Valley was open with my big sister!  So fun, we always have to best time!  I feel so blessed to have her in my life and that we get to go do fun things!!

Zoo time!  I love to go to the zoo in the spring and in the fall.. the weather is perfect and you don't have to fight the crowds!  The animals are almost always awake too!

Soph and Finn thought this was so cool to be this close to a real live owl!

Miss Sophie danced with Fauvines again this year!  She loves dancing with the high school girls... she is so fun to watch dance and her brothers are her biggest fans!

Soccer time!  Both Finn and Sophie signed up for soccer and they LOVED it!  Audy was Sophie's coach and it was darling to watch him with all these little girls!  Such a good Daddy!

 Finn totally impressed me.. this was hid first time playing soccer.. he was the smallest kid out there, but he was fast and aggressive, nothing intimidated this kid!  After one of his games he told me.. "mom some kid elbowed me in the face, so i just got it there and got aggressive and we won!"
I love this kid, he really is so sweet and has the biggest heart!

Training her early!

Movie date with cousin Trace!  Rio 2 was so cute!

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Wheeler farm!

This kids LOVES cows!  he just stood here forever just mooing with the cows.. it was darling!

Baby goats!  Van kept saying "babies, babies!"

Best buds!

So this kid loves soccer too!  He takes after his brother and sis.  And boy can he kick a ball.. its pretty impressive!  After he kicks it he says "GOAL!"

Out practicing at the park.. we never leave home without a ball in the car!

Van had to have this helmet on.. he kept saying "HAT"  "HAT"

                                                                     Easter time!
Getting the eggs already for the Easter bunny!  After we dyed the eggs we read about Jesus and discussed why we celebrated Easter and why it's so special!  I love Finn and Sophie's age right now I want to freeze them!  I love how sensitive and curious they are... Hearing their little prayers at night thanking Jesus for dying for them brings tears to my eyes!  They love hearing and talking about Jesus.. They make my testimony stronger and I am so grateful for their sweet spirits I get to have in my home!

                                     Easter Sunday! All dressed up and ready for church!

 After church we headed over to Grandma Oyler's house for lunch and an egg hunt!

                                                                        More ZOO!

                                                        My boys being silly together!

 Finn and Sophie got to go the fish hatchery with their class... best day of Finn's life!

Sophie has been dying to try sushi!  So here she is with her very roll!
She really liked it!

 We went to the new aquarium with cousins.. my kids loved it!

 We had to do the photo booth... Van was no too sure about it though... poor baby!

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