Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mr. FInn

Love those cheeks!!
Me and Finn.. & Sophie
Finn just hanging out with all the clean laundry
Finn just being cute.. he is such a happy and content little man!
Finn loves this little dog/silky blanket, he just sit and eats it and talks to it, it is so funny to watch!

Then he eventually wears himself out enough to sleep and has to have his little friend with him!


Toni Ludlow said...

Where did you get your cute zebra bedding, im in love with it!!??

Sunni said...

You are going to be the buffest chick around. Carrying 2 babies all over takes one strong mama! Love the pics. He is soo cute!

Heather said...

OH MY HEAVENS! what an angel! goodness! OH I LOVE The sleeping pic! and MAN! that crib is fab!
HE IS SOO PRECIOUS! what a handsome little precious angel!