So here are the first round of pictures.. we took so many that I thought I would post in shifts! During our trip we had some big milestones... Sophie learned to say mama, and pick up cheerios and put them in her mouth all by her big girl self. Sophie and FInn both got their very first pearly white toothy!! It was too funny we had no idea they were teething and Audy one day stuck his finger in Finn's mouth and felt something sharp..and there it was! So he came running out to show me, I was so excited I checked Sophie just for fun and she had one too, same tooth for both of them!! They never one acted grumpy.. so i had no clue!!!
Love that BUM!!
Audy and Finn swimming in the pool
Audy and Soph in the pool, this was her look the whole trip one finger in the mouth!
Me and Sophie down on the beach.. I know you can't see the beach...It looks like we are floating in the sky!
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree... butt crack and all!
3 years ago