Thursday, August 7, 2008

Finn and Sophie in 4D

Here is a fun little 4D picture of Finn. His face is smashed for a numbers of reasons, probably because his sisters feet are behind him and his face is pressed up against the placenta.(hence the pig nose) I know it is kind of a scary picture. We were so excited to see him in in 4D...He weights 4 pounds, and we could see some hair on the back of his head!!!!

Sophie on the other hand is about as far down as possible and we were not able to get a picture good enough to do the 4D we just have the normal ultra sound picture. She weights 3 pounds 2 ounces. Ash is doing so well the doctor can't believe it. She is pretty uncomfortable, but is enjoying the experience They both are little movers and shakers and they keep Ash on her toes... Probably a sure sign of things to come...


Sunni said...

Poor poor little Sophie! She just wants to be a surprize when she arrives. How's Breaking Dawn?!!!

Kera said...

hi, we were just talking about you recently. i can't remember the subject matter but it must have been good.

Thats SO exciting you are having twins. Holy Crow! fun.
Congratulations. where are you living now.

Does lindsey blog?

A New Life Student said...

Don't you love technology? The 4D is amazing...can't wait to see those two little babes!