Sunday, September 14, 2008

WE'RE HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So after 18 long long days in the NICU, we are home and we hope we never have to go the end we had made some good friends with some of the nurses and it was nice to have Kay Amussen there to keep an eye on our little guys, but we are so happy to be home. Sophie and Finn love being home and with their Mommy and Daddy all day (they told me) We can't wait for everyone to meet our little guys, but the Doctors gave us strict rules about visitors, so for now we will have to wait to have visitors, probably for a few weeks. No little kids under 12 for 3 months, and we can't really take them anywhere, but we don't care we are just happy they are here with us.

So Sophie and Finn came home a few days ago, and they are a lot of work, but so much fun, and they love that they can FINALLY be together again. Just as everyone told us we are not getting much sleep, and we have our hands full. I am a little afraid to go back to work and be gone...Good thing Ash is on top of things, because I know I never could do it all alone.
Enjoy the pics


Erik & Nicole said...

Congrats! Good luck sorry we can't help with anything!

Wendy said...

They are looking soo good!! They are beautifula and I would love to come and see them when it's the right time for you and them. You're in our thoughts constantly! Congrats again! Auntie Wendy

Sunni said...

Yay!!! I love the babies. I can't wait to sneak up and give them a little rock a bye. So glad they are home safe and sound, let me know if you need help or a little break (hint hint)

A New Life Student said...

Yeah! I am sure it is such a relief to have them finally come home! They look so cute together and I love how they just snuggle right up to each other! You stick to those visitor rules...I sure stuck to my guns about it and Julia came out of winter totally healthy. It's funny how people always think they are an exception to the rule. The wait is totally worth two healthy babies! With that said, Julia will patiently be waiting to meet her friends!!
Let us know if there is something we can do to help... like take your cute puppy???

allison wright said...

YAHOO! I am sure that didn't go by very fast for you at the hospital but that was a huge surprise to me to see them already home. Keep us updated as to visitors. Cody and I would love to see them in their true habitat, home.

Alisa said...

Yay!! I am so excited for you guys it has to be such a relief to have the littles home. I would love to bring you guys dinner anytime just let me know I will drop it on the door to insure the no germ thing which I totally get just let me know.. Luvs

Sunni said...


As gay as it is that I am leaving you a comment on your blog is that you actually have one. I thought this whole time it was Ashlee's. Dude let the girls have something, we have football.

Oh I do feel bad, congrats on the new babies and I am glad they are healthy and home.

Meg said...

Congrats you guys! I hope you are getting some sleep, I can't imagine taking care of two babies! They are adorable!

Ben and Debs Aplanalp said...

Ben and I sure miss your faces! I can't wait to see your babies in person! They are adorable!!! We love you both and we are so happy for you! Congrats!!!